3 Ways an Email Campaign can Tell, Compel, and Sell CBD

How could email marketing still be effective at the ripe old age of 57?

No wonder your email campaign is collecting digital dust with all the dancing on TikTok, debating on Twitter, reels on Instagram, and “friend forming” in Facebook groups. However, email has remained central to digital communication and has effectively grown a lot of eCommerce CBD companies.

With email marketing’s value set to increase to $17.9 billion by 2027, it’s far from over the hill. The golden age of email marketing is here to stay, it’s 40 times more effective at acquiring new customers than Facebook or Twitter.

Your email campaign generates the highest ROI because you can foster a deep one-on-one relationship with your one reader. Unlike social media, you have complete ownership of your list. More access to them increases your ability to present the best possible offer at the best time. 

If HubSpot said it; it has to be true.

After driving them to your site, you built enough trust to capture their email address, so it’s time to sell your product. Your email campaign is the best way to nurture your subscribers until they are ready to buy. With 120+ business emails sent and received daily, yours has to stand out from the crowd using specific copywriting. Here’s how. 

By the time you finish reading this article, you’ll learn:

The Art of Your Email Campaign

“Ponder and deliberate before you make a move.”

Sun Tzu

An effective email campaign starts with a dynamic strategy built on audience research and messaging math. Define your:

Define why the emails are being sent, who it is for, and the goal. Each email in your campaign has one goal. Define what actions you want the reader to take and how you’ll prompt them to take that action.

And then improve your ROI by optimizing what subscribers:

An example of a GOAL: 
Find out your subscribers’ true buying behavior. 

The ultimate goal is to increase engagement and sell more CBD products. Convert subscribers -> buyers -> lifelong customers through communicating relevant, timely, and personalized value propositions. 

Your list segmentations determine what campaign you will improve. Don’t go in blind; use your data from previous email campaign as a baseline.

Studying the data and plan how you’re going to take an action.

Testing, Testing, Testing; 123

Plan on running A/B tests to see how you can maximize your clicks and optimize your emails in each campaign. Test one element of your email campaign at a time to get an idea of what’s increasing your conversions. It’s the only way to know what’s working or what isn’t.

Evaluate the outcomes and make decisions to improve the performance of your campaign. There are only a few key areas you should focus on for testing, for instance:

You should also test:

Take a learning approach to the optimization process, so your email campaign will cut through the noise. Identify:

  • Areas of improvement
  • Bottlenecks
  • Key performers

Uncovering unique insights will lead to an increase in conversion using limited time and money. CBD marketing manager, maximize your email lists for the greatest returns. 

Email Insights Make the Future Bright

Email metrics are useful for improving their experience as the data drives innovation for your messaging. It empowers your email campaign because you have a deeper understanding of your audience’s desires. 

You can 10x your click-through rate by analyzing previous emails you sent to your subscribers. Use the following metrics to discover your buyer’s journey:

A healthy email campaign performance leans on percentages, feedback, and results from A/B testing multiple designs and formats. Customer-driven decisions enhance your strategy’s effectiveness by engaging them with relevant copywriting. 

1. Monitor your campaigns 

2. Maintain your connection 

3. Keep monetizing your email content

With the strategy defined, focus on the actual email copy.

The Next 4 Steps

  1. Draw insight from research and data
  2. Develop a hypothesis
  3. Prioritize what to work on
  4. Optimize your campaigns

The 3 S’s of Your Email Campaign 

Use segmentation, stories, and specificity to write email copy that makes the one reader imagine you’re face-to-face solving their need. Relevant messaging boosts clickthrough and conversion rates.

1. Separate the Winners from the Beginners

Marketers have found a 760% increase in email revenue from segmented campaigns.

Knowing your audience increases clicks because you can tell meaningful stories. Email campaigns like a welcome series or a nurturing series will increase your conversion rates because of their relevance, but infusing them with specifics can only help.

Don’t mess up your deliverability rates.

Stand out in your one-reader’s crowded inbox

Email marketing is the most efficient channel for driving purchases (73% of votes).

Targeted emails are relevant because they are tailor-made to capture their attention and build trust. Each email must be personalized beyond their first name. Speak to their desires.

To deliver relevant emails, build segments around your subscribers’ shopping behaviors or into smaller subcategories based on:

Segmentation Examples

If you send a flash sale, you don’t want to send it to subscribers who consistently buy at full price. Or vice versa, if someone never buys your products, you won’t send an email announcing a new product.

“Relevant converts, irrelevant annoys.”

Joanna Wiebe

Segment your audience via their path through your funnel, aligning your one reader’s interest with your one offer.

Email Automation; Customer Creation

Personalized emails are effective at selling when sent at a consistent cadence. An email “drip” campaign to your subscribers over a few days or weeks turns those interested subscribers into nurtured customers. First, determine your intent and create a dynamic workflow based on time or triggers.   

Determine what’s appropriate for your sequence. Welcome campaigns are time-based but using triggers is possible. Abandon cart emails are triggered.

The Highest Converting Campaigns

Lifecycle emails save time with personalized timed or triggered email templates. Email campaigns are easier to sell your products because they hinge on the details that make your brand’s story relevant to your one reader’s life. Send the right offer with the right message to your subscribers using the insights from your research. Target them with exclusive valuable content that motivates them to purchase your CBD product.

One of the emails can highlight the USP for your product.

The most common lifestyle emails are:

Set it up once, learn forever, and continuously sell better. Since you have a plan, your subscribers will tell you what they need through feedback, analytics, and your KPI’s.

An Abandon Cart Email Campaign

When subscribers express high intent to buy but leave your website before entering their payment information, send them a sequence to incentivize the purchase. You don’t have to be pushy, but why slow down their momentum when there is interest in your product?

According to SaleCycle, over 75% of people abandon their cart online, and CBD companies can recover up to 63% of their lost sales.

Win back revenue you would have lost with converting messaging, whether they were just browsing, comparing prices, etc. Send an offer to them that’ll overcome whatever objection they had. Their objection could be the cost is too high, the checkout process is too complex, etc.

A Conversion Email Campaign

Send emails that directly sell by reverse-engineering your messaging from the optimized offer. The offer converts your subscribers, but first you must create a revelation you want the one reader to have. Leverage their belief, feelings, and knowledge into a converting message that’ll change their perspective on their problem. Tie it to your product and position it as the solution.

Send an email detailing a related product, and you could get a sale.

Your conversion sequence closes the deal with your one reader by pushing them closer to a purchasing decision.
Attract their eyeballs to get their attention and convert them into interest/curiosity. Lead them to the next step, holding their hand with entertaining info that informs. Accelerate their purchase by speaking to their beliefs until they have a revelation to take you up on your offer.
Emphasize the benefits that are most important to them. Conversion sequences work with all types of content.

A Nurturing Email Campaign

Tied to your incentive to have site visitors sign up, send nurturing email series after your one reader opts in. These campaigns are 4-6 emails that regularly convert subscribers to customers by moving them further in their buyer’s journey. Deliver the discount and continue with targeted valuable content that’ll convince subscribers to become customers.

In time, your subscriber will need your product, so build the relationship and maintain it with a sequence. Your brand will stay top of mind; you can provide helpful tips to increase your authority, you can entertain your audience in a fun and unique way. Share an update or an announcement in the middle of the sequence. Start a conversation and subtly sell your product using a call to action.

Deliver the discount and continue with targeted content that’ll encourage subscribers to become customers.

A Retention Email Campaign

Send a campaign to current subscribers or customers to increase their satisfaction, experience, and connection with your CBD product or brand. Re-engage them with the heavy use of triggered emails communicating the product’s value and relevance to your one reader. They are the most common sequences because retaining customers is more affordable than acquiring them. Persuade old customers with a new offer by creating an optimal sales experience in their inbox.

Send an email suggesting a solution to a problem you know they have.

Welcome Home; Set the Tone

These 4-6 emails can welcome new subscribers and transform them into well-informed future customers. Don’t just send them to a newsletter. Set expectations, establish the value, showcase the benefits, provide social proof, and incentivize their customer journey. Welcome email series set the expectations for your new subscriber.

It’ll present your product while engaging them. Tell your one reader thank you and the type of content they’ll get. Let them know how often they’ll receive emails and reaffirm the value in their inbox daily, weekly, or monthly.

Here’s a breakdown of Medterra’s first email in their sequence:

MedTerra’s welcome email provides an offer right away.

Next, they differentiate themselves from other CBD brands.

After that, they address their one reader with email copy that speaks to problem/pain awareness.

MedTerra’s welcome sequence is simple and touches all bases.

MedTerra ends the email showing their best-selling products.

What’s the Prime Time to Send Emails

Timing or triggers are everything when it comes to increasing your open rates. It’s essential to get your emails opened so your converting messaging can convince them to improve their lives. Determine the email cadence and create the automation schedule with a sequence.

Timing is of the essence with an email campaign.

The email standards frown on sending individual emails on Mondays or Fridays, but your audience determines the best days. Research starts the best time to send emails are 6 am-10 am and 7 pm-10 pm.

Marketers who send emails on Tuesdays get the highest email open rates.


Focus on Fibonacci for Your Email Campaign

Use nature to schedule your autoresponder to reach out to your audience with perfect timing to move them along your sales funnel. Combine Fibonacci sequence with a copywriting formula like:

  • AIDA
  • POS
  • BBB

Let’s use a welcome sequence as an example. You plan the timing of each email based on the day and the number of email using a natural pattern.

How to Plot a Best-Selling Email Campaign

A connected series of lead nurturing emails that push the subscribers further down your sales funnel allows you to send targeted emails at every stage of the buyer’s journey. With any email campaign, you want to define the end goal and where they are at when they enter the campaign. Use your email campaign to connect your one reader to your CBD product’s benefits.

Optimize the offer for your product and watch your sales 2x at least.

You earn $36 for each $1 you spend on your email marketing.


Consistently Write Converting Messaging

77% of people across all ages and demographics prefer email over other permission-based advertising. Every day 319.6 billion emails flood your one reader’s inbox to stand out and meet them in their head.

Focus on having one message per email.

Make a promise in the headline and keep it with your body copy. Tell your one reader what you have to offer and why it’s valuable. Focused messaging prevails because it’s personal.

Relevancy = revenue. Email copy resonates when it is about the subscribers and how your product or service benefits them. Deliver dynamic content with the right messaging to the right person at the right time. 

Offer a solution but keep it:

Meet the one reader with vivid descriptions of their problem, be hyper-specific, detailing the pain point that’ll get a visceral reaction. Speak to the moment of highest tension. Write out their inner dialogue and mirror it in the email copy. 

Think about the problem that keeps them up at night. Key in on the part of the problem that triggers a super emotional reaction. Think about the hyper-specific context in which your product solves the problem. Base it on your one reader feeling when they engage with your marketing and product. 

And then ask yourself, “can I be more specific?”

Storytell to Sell Well

Tell a story that engages the one reader and connects it to your product. To shape a relevant story, ask yourself:⁠

MontKush uses their origin story masterfully throughout their messaging; They even have a birthday bundle inspired by their origin story.

4 Steps to make a Hero

After you have that basic information follow these 4 steps to make your one reader the hero.

1. Identify the hero⁠

2. Put the hero’s problems, pains, and dreams into the spotlight

3. Guide them to promise land by introducing your solution 

4. Show them they’ll live happily ever after⁠

There are many ways to weave your brand story into your subscriber’s life. Tell the story in an email that’s a part of your campaign, or you can drip out the tale over a few emails. One of the most effective ways to tell a story uses the superman principle.

⁠Try the “Superman Principle” to Tell a Story

1. Your one reader is the hero of their own story⁠

2. Every moment is about them achieving their goal (using your CBD gummies to achieve that goal)⁠

3. Your one reader saves the day, not your product

4. Your solution makes them Superman/Superwoman⁠

Stories will always persuade people because when we hear them, our brain puts us in the scene we’re reading. Everyone loves a good story. The “feel good” hormone oxytocin released as a story resonates with your one reader.

Specificity is Key in an Email Campaign

Bridge your content with context. Make it meaningful with crisp nouns and active adjectives. ⁠Generate interest with word pictures; Don’t summarize. ⁠Adding details translates to more meaningful stories because “relevance rules.”

“People remember what they can visualize.”

Joanna Wiebe⁠, The ORIGINAL Conversion Copywriter

⁠Personalization separates high-converting emails from the ones that get lost in the inbox.⁠⁠ Start with the subject line, write the preview text, keep the body copy relevant and scannable.

Piece it all together to increase your sales through emails.

How to Write Converting Email Campaign Copy

Above all, write to one person. Using your one reader’s name, inner dialogue, tone, and addressing their highest moment of tension in your email copy increases the chances of them clicking through. Use an emoji or two to help convey emotion. 

This CBD company (Not Pot) uses emojis in the subject line.

Be concise using action-orientated verbs and keep adverbs, adjectives, pronouns, and prepositions to a minimum. Communicate the message with as few words as possible. Avoid huge chunks of text and long sentences. 

Keep your paragraphs between three to four sentences at the most. Use numbers instead of writing them out, and support your claims with statistics. To break up your text, try using:

Optimize the words for your subject line, body copy, and call to action to help the reader visualize the next step and create a sense of urgency. To ensure your emails get delivered, avoid spam words and phrases that’ll reduce the deliverability of your emails.

Slippery Slope Subject lines

“47% of users open an email based on the subject line alone.”

optin monster

The sole purpose of your subject line is to get your one reader to open your email. Keeping it short and sweet, provide some value or info enticing them to open it. Try summarizing what your subscribers are going to read. The best way to inspire action is with a simplified subject line containing the subject’s name that tells them what’s in it is the best way to inspire action.

Leafly puts the offer in the subject but leaves room for curiosity.

“82% of email marketing experts send subject lines with less than 60 characters.”


Curiosity Pulls like Gravity

Create an open loop gap by being descriptive yet leaving out an important detail. Creating curiosity engages your audience’s mind so they’ll try to determine what’s next. On average, an email subject line contains 43 characters, and most email service providers cut the subject line off after around 40 characters. Remember to use numbers when applicable.

Engage your audience’s mind, and you’ll prompt action using the curiosity loop.

Make the 1 reader curious, and they’ll ask themselves what are “these.”

Are you Scared to Use FOMO?

Use psychology. The fear of missing out is a powerful motivator. People react more strongly when they feel like they will lose something. Use your subject line to let your subscribers know what they’ll miss out on if they don’t open the email.

Hype is a strong selling point because of herd mentality.

The bottom line is to make your slippery slope subject line more memorable using:

Examples of Email Campaign Subject Lines

FabCBD does this masterfully in their subject lines and throughout the body copy.

CBDistillery uses the offer directly in the offer above.

Subject Line Tools:

Try using CoSchedule’s Email Subject Line Checker as a resource to improve your subject lines.

Compelling Pre-header Text Gets Opens

Action-orientated, concise, and unique pre-header text impacts the opening of the email. The sentence that follows the subject line should always convey a compelling message. Within 100 characters, you can also include a call to action.

If you didn’t use an emoji in the subject line, see if adding one here will increase the odds of your one reader opening your email.

A preview of how your preview text will look.

Email Campaign Content is Everything

Consistently stay top of mind with a sequence containing content that combines your unique selling points with valuable entertaining storytelling. Using your insights, deliver relevant information/insights/tips and generate sales for your CBD business. 

Convey it in your one reader’s language to establish an emotional connection. Show the subscriber the similarities between you and them; it’ll build a deeper relationship.

Ensure Nobody Emails Content Like You

Copywriting gets the reply, purchase, or click from welcome emails to abandon cart sequences. It’s how you get engagement and increase the click-through rates of your emails:

  1. Set the goal for your sequence, and then the goal for the individual email you’re writing
  2. Align the content with the rest of your sales funnel
  3. Edit your content ruthlessly to make it concise and powerful

Let’s break down each step.

1. Set the Goal

Define the:

2. Align the Email Content with the Sales Funnel

Be brief and on-brand while speaking to the awareness stage of your subscribers. Your one reader is in one of Eugene Schwartz’s 5 stages of awareness, so it’s your job to move them to the next stage.

If they are subscribers, then the likelihood of them being unaware is slim to none. So most of your email campaign content will focus on moving your one reader from solution-aware to product-aware or product-aware to most-aware. 


FAB CBD uses the new year as a deadline for their offer.

You can send an email campaign recognizing customer milestones and celebrating them with an offer. Another technique would be emailing your list a link to a blog post that solves their problem, moving them from problem aware to solution aware. Drive traffic directly to your new post and gain even more. 

Triggers for your Email Campaign

Sugarman’s 24 psychological triggers are an excellent starting point since they get people to buy things. Select one to focus on by figuring out:

Use a trigger to focus your copy around the:

Choose wisely and connect it to their pain points to create persuasive messaging.

What trigger would you use to sell MedTerra’s CBD Gummies?

Pain Points Power Persuasion in Your Email Campaign

Speaking to your one reader’s highest moment of tension sets you apart from the competition. Agitating the pain point and then immediately introducing a resource to help. Providing the solution with your product unlocks the possibility of a purchase.

Use testimonials to find the pain points to speak to or use them directly in your email body.

Social Proof is a Must for Trust

The idea is that people will adapt their behavior without you having to highlight the evidence. 

Clearly communicate your value for the people who are on the fence.

Above is an example of “user social proof.”

Call to Action Copy for Your Email Campaign

The single focus of your email should be your call to action, so every email needs at least one CTA button. A clear and concise CTA using specific action verbs has to align with your email copy. State the action you want your one reader to take specifically. 

In the photo above, Sunday Scaries technically has two CTAs, “Join the Squad” and “Shop Now” but the first one is used as a headline to encourage herd behavior. The point is to let your one reader know precisely what they are getting. Convert prospects on special offers or upsell existing offers.

“Emails with a single call-to-action increased clicks 371% and sales 1,617%.”


Try to write the call to action in the first person. Use a general rule of thumb like completing this sentence: I want to______. End with a strong push to action answering the question, “what is the cost of not clicking this button now?

Secondary Call to Action

Use P.S. to support the goal of your email. Use the space to provide one last benefit that wasn’t mentioned. Or you can use it to guide readers to your blog, social media channels, an offer, or the next stage in your sales funnel.


Be concise. Most emails are too long for the seven seconds you have to make a first impression. Your audience research and insights will let you know how long your emails should be.

Keep emails short and sweet like MedTerra’s quiz.

Formatting Your Email Campaign

Your emails will be delivered to multiple devices and screens, so create templates that provide a consistent look and feel. Use the same imagery, color scheme, language, and tone for every email you send in your series. 88% of smartphone users check their email actively.

Use images of your product to break up text.

Keep it simple and clean to enhance your messaging. Structure your email, so it guides your one reader to action. Every email should have:

Edit the Email Campaign Content

Editing is where the magic of crafting converting messaging happens. Edit your email copy ruthlessly to increase comprehension. Clarity connects everything in your email and brings it together.

Of course, once the messaging is clear you have to make sure it looks good. Your one reader sees your email before they read it.

Email Design

Creating space in your email designs can help your message breathe because text-heavy emails hurt the eyeballs. Create scannable emails with eye-catching:

Make sure they are great on all devices. The aesthetics of your layout can supercharge your conversions and your user experience.

Make sure the design is responsive. Think about the visual hierarchies when it comes to your email images. Think about the following visual elements before sending the email:

Your Email Campaign Images 

Including images in your email can help increase your engagement rates. Use images to break up your email copy. Reduce the load times by keeping your file sizes small for any:

Product images are a great way to convey emotion and meaning.

Use these tools to compress your email campaign images

Email Campaign Call to Action Button

Use a clean and simple design to ensure it stands out and captures your one reader’s attention. You can increase the size of your button. Make it look like an actual clickable button, and you’ll see a 45% increase in clicks. For example, you can place it right under your value proposition. 
Use a color that contrasts the primary colors in the email campaign. According to a Hubspot study, changing the CTA button color from green to red boosted conversions by 21%.

A clean and simple CTA button is the best way to increase your sales.

How Your Email Campaign can Boost SEO and Social

Emails help your SEO from a holistic standpoint but not directly. Use your email campaign to increase your SEO’s impact and vice versa. Add social sharing links makes it quick and easy for your one reader to share your email on social media. 

“Blog posts are 3.9 times more likely to be shared on social media by your email subscribers.”  

Neil Patal

Emails are the Best Investment Ever

3.9 billion people used email in 2019, and it’s estimated to reach 4.3 billion by 2023


Hands-down email campaigns are the best way to stay in touch with your readers. With many of your subscribers having crowded inboxes overspilling with “trash” emails, it’s hard to write an email campaign that makes people read, click, and buy. And even has one of the oldest channels in digital marketing, you can track meaningful metrics that’ll grow your business.

89% of marketers say that email marketing is their primary lead-generating channel. 

Email campaigns are here to stay, so use them wisely. Remember, you don’t own the content you post on social media, and you’re not limited to the social platform rules when you use an email campaign. The classics never go out of style when it comes to ROI, email marketing is in a class of its own (the digital marketing HOF). Don’t retire it just yet.

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