How to Create CBD Content Writing that People are Searching For

The Search Engine Journal confirmed 70 – 80% of users ignore paid searches on Google and select the organic results that come from the search. Keyword research tools won’t replace an SEO expert or agency, but they may be more cost-effective. Content writing like blog posts, listicles, and ebooks improves your:

Use long-term keywords to improve your content by seeing exactly what your audience is searching for. Here’s how:

Inbound Marketing Strategy

87% of marketers use content to funnel visitors through their buyer stages. Align your KPIs with the behavior you want your user to take. For example, you may want them to sign up for the discount or share the article to their (social media) network.

Content marketing is vital for standing out (and making sales) with over 1 billion world websites. Crafting engaging, actionable content writing increases your CBD products’ value because people buy from people they know, like, and trust. Base it on popular keywords. 

Use these 3 simple metrics to measure your content writing success:

  1. Authority: Show your customer you know everything about how CBD can help them
  2. Reach: Track and monitor how far and wide your content spreads
  3. Impact: Measure your reach based on sentiment, shares, and clicks

Why Is Keyword Research Important?

According to Neil Patal, marketers who blog consistently will acquire 126% more leads than those who do not. Long-term keywords are a major part of getting organic traffic because they give you insight into what your audience is Googling.

First and foremost, you can find out what questions your audience is asking. Keyword research is vital because it provides insight into popular search engine queries, allowing you to create content that answers your audience’s questions about CBD.

The most important thing you can do is show your value in your audience’s language by educating them. Content writing is about the users’ experience as it opens the lines of communication for your prospects to learn about your CBD products.

Set up the Sell with Keyword Research

The first thing you do in selling is to set up the environment.

Joseph Sugarman

The entire point of content is to get the audience to laugh or learn so they can click a button, leave a comment, or sign-up for your emails.⁠ But in 2022, your audience is smart consumers ready for your cash-grabbing tactics.

That’s why your Google ranking is important. With keywords being a major factor in how people find your content online, use them to craft difference-making content.

Ranking for the most relevant search terms is an important part of keyword research. It’s a springboard for generating content ideas with high engagement. Use Google to truly understand more about your target audience. Search intent sets the stage for the rest of the sales funnel.

Keyword Research shows you What to Write about

Since Google is the most popular place to find the answers, it’ll tell you exactly what you should write about.

You can:

Look through the top three search results for inspiration and to determine the competitive landscape for e-commerce. Attract strangers with valuable content and start conversations using long-form blog posts. Use the top of your sales funnels to INFLUENCE your customers.

Semantic Search Domination

Intent and context are major factors in the evolution of search engines. People search for solutions in various ways, so Google promotes sharable, entertaining, and informational content to the top.

Content with keyword stuffing suffers severely because Google focuses on understanding information instead of just indexing it. This means the intent behind the search is the most important aspect when utilizing long-tail keywords.

Long-tail Keywords Reveal Search Intent

Long-tail keywords help you create content that solves your target audience’s search query. You’ll find out:

Use the long-tail keywords as the foundation for your content based on their popularity, search volume (density), and general intent.

How to Do Keyword Research

Use tools like WordStream Free Keyword Tool and Answer the Public to get an idea of what your audience may be asking. When researching, use Google Search Console to find keywords you are already ranking for. Create a list of long-tail keywords based on what you’re ranking for. Use tools like Google Suggest to find variations of your keywords.

You can also use Google Keyword Planner and Google Suggest (use the search bar) for keyword research. Look at ubersuggest to find out what long-tail keywords are the most popular.

Rewrite blog posts optimized for the search engines by focusing on the top keywords and different variations. Use Yoast SEO (WordPress Only). Check out SEMRush to get the most information on your long-tail keywords.

Wrap-Up: 4 Simple Steps to Keyword Research

1. Compile a list of keywords by importance. ⁠
2. Focus on long-tail keywords. ⁠
3. Tailored your content, so it answers your audience’s questions. ⁠
4. Google will list your site as a line on the front page in the search engine results (SERP).⁠

How to Use Your Keyword in Your Content

Use the key phrase at the beginning of the headline and the blog post. Use the keyphrase in most of your headings. Feature one keyphrase per page. Put the keyphrase in the meta-tags and descriptions.

Use Buzzsumo to find out what content to write about.


Create an Outline

To get an idea of the structure of your bost post or ebook follow these steps.

Once you’ve got an outline, write the ugly first draft.

Write it

Blend the keyword, what you want to talk about, and what your audience wants to know in your brand’s tone and voice.

Choose a unique angle

Tell a story. Use humor or drama. Use quotes or colorful language.

Blogger Ryan Robinson says, “A great blog is like a television show, think of it as seasons. What is the setting? Who are the characters? What are the situations? What’s the climax? How do you get people to tune in next week?”

Set your blog apart with powerful stories that connect to people. To get their attention, write a strong headline. The lede has to capture your audience’s attention like a first impression when you meet someone in person.

Meat and Potatoes

The best thing to do is stay authentic. Make your content writing actionable. Be concise and format it, so it is readable. Answer the questions you anticipate your audience having.

Keep your sentences and paragraphs short. Use bullet lists as much as possible. Break up sections of your content writing using:

Boost your credibility with academic studies and customer experiences. Ask the audience to like, comment, share, or sign-up.

Publish and Disturb it

Remember to start a conversation with your audience. Send it to your email list. Send people from your social media to your blog. Don’t rely on social media to build your audience, rather utilize it for the distribution of your content. ⁠Turn your articles into other digital content forms like:

Always call your audience to take action! A closed mouth doesn’t get fed.⁠ Be sure to capture the email of every prospect visiting your site with a pop-up. Use Google Analytics to measure the success of your content writing.


Creating content starts highly technical with keyword research but ends with emotional storytelling. To rank higher than the competition, talk like a human. Write content that Identifies with your brand’s values. Give your perspective.

To find that content, study the top Google results for your topic and put your brand’s spin on it.

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